I’m a technology worker and travel lover. I’ve been a part of the miles and points community for over a decade but have found that the similar information community is much smaller with fewer entry points. The reality is that timeshares as an industry have major issues that give the industry a bad reputation. Sales departments at resorts can be abusive and regularly lie and mislead to try and make a sale.
In looking at CES rooms I found it was cheaper to book a timeshare resort through airbnb than 3 nights at Excalibur. After that stay I researched and have booked timeshares for every CES since. Each and every time getting a full week for less than a few nights at Strip hotels. If going every year, why pay hotel rates when I can get a nicer room for less?
With the pandemic I found timeshares were perfect letting me work from anywhere. With the extra time at home, why not get some scenery changes throughout the year to help relieve some of the stress caused by working from home. This led me to exploring more timeshares and deciding to start sharing what I’ve learned and where I’ve stayed.

I’ve gotten ocean view suites for the price of a resort view hotel room. I’ve been able go to Disney on property in a One Bedroom Deluxe Villa for the cost of a Value resort room. And with extra vacations I’ve had a week in TN for $260. I enjoy epic experiences for a fraction of the hotel cost.

Just like Miles and Points, timeshares are a tool. I want to build a community that helps improve the timeshare experience. Because good timeshare exchanging is just like maximizing miles and points.
So Join me on this wild ride exploring timeshares and timesharing.