Somebody that provides any sort of impressions of a hotel stay needs to be absolutely clear on how the stay was booked. Of course in the early days of this site I expect that almost all reviews will be personal exchanges that I make. However I believe that ethical disclosures are important enough to set the standards before they are needed.
Provided Stays
In reviewing any property, if the stay is provided in any other way than my own personal holdings of timeshares, friends/family timeshare holdings, cash, or rewards points will have multiple disclaimers in the post. Additionally all reviews will include information on how the stay was booked. On a complimentary or provided stay, this will be highlighted in the booking section in addition to disclaimers. Provided stays can give an idea of the resort, but there is no way regular guests can expect the same treatment.
Ownership Disclosure
When staying at a resort I own at I will disclose. Almost all resorts give priority to nicer rooms to owners. I can’t expect resorts to treat guests as nicely as owners. Even owning another resort in the system can impact room selection and experience and deserves to be noted
Paid Posts
At this time this is not my job. If a paid post opportunity comes up where I can give my honest thoughts then I will consider it. Just like provided stays there will be disclaimers throughout the post along with a statement about what if any editorial involvement of the sponsor.
Affiliate Links
The reality is that most free travel sites make money from affiliate links to purchase products or apply for credit cards. In the future I see that being a revenue stream. Any affiliate link will be notated as such. You have a right to know when I am making money off of your business.
Guiding Principles
Transparancy is key to being trusted. I am only as trustworthy as I make my readers feel I am. Do the Right Thing. Mistakes happen, but I must admit when they do. This page will grow as the site does and more situations encountered.